
Repairs and Warranty

Responding to service and warranty cases is part of our job, and considering the commitment we put into making professional products that meet the most demanding requirements, it is with participation and a sincere sense of responsibility that we set out to resolve the small mishaps that can sometimes occur. We do this willingly and with passion, while respecting precise rules that are necessary to ensure that everything takes place in a manner that protects the rights of all parties involved:

What we recognize

  • Ci impegniamo a riconoscere per otto anni dal momento dell’acquisto qualsiasi difetto di fabbricazione.  Fa fede la matricola univoca impressa sulla targa dati applicata sulla saldatrice.
  • Immediate and free replacement including all transport costs (round-trip within Europe) if the defect is found within 15 days from the date of our customer's purchase.
  • The warranty includes free replacement of defective components
  • The warranty includes the labor required to replace the defective components.

What we don't recognize

  • Under no circumstances will the guarantee be acknowledged on articles without a nameplate bearing the unique serial number.
  • The warranty does not include the costs of sending the welding machine to the service center starting from the 16th day following the purchase
  • The warranty does not include repair costs if the welding machine has been opened or tampered with by others
  • The warranty does not include repair costs if the welding machine shows obvious signs of impact
  • The guarantee does not include repair costs if the welding machine shows obvious signs of incorrect use or connection.

And if the machine is out of warranty, what happens?

Each machine, once received at EPS's in-house service centre, is analysed to establish a rough idea of the cost, which is communicated to the customer. This estimate is completely free of charge in the event that the repair is then authorised. If, on the other hand, the communicated cost does not meet the customer's interest, then the analysis performed to provide the estimate is paid for (25 euros + VAT). The return of goods out of warranty, subject to payment of the repair (or only the cost of analysis if not repaired) is always carriage paid.

Ogni prodotto riparato dal nostro centro assistenza viene testato a banco prova con prove di carico e a vuoto, ne viene verificata la conformità alle norme di sicurezza, vengono ripristinate le tarature di tutti i valori di corrente e di esercizio, per concludere poi con un  test di saldatura effettivo e verifica di tutti i parametri di lavoro. 

ATTENTION! All technical interventions as well as any warranty cases involving eps products are managed directly by the manufacturer. There are no recognized service centers and no external company is officially authorized to carry out repairs or replacements, for which the manufacturer categorically does not respond!

EPS Product Support Center:

Via delle Industrie 228/A
17012 Albissola Marina (SV)

Tel 3516149160
