
 La nostra attività è esclusivamente dedicata alla progettazione e produzione di generatori elettronici ad inverter per saldatura e taglio: sofisticate apparecchiature elettroniche ad altissima sensibilità caratterizzate da potenze elevate e dimensioni ridotte, nelle quali riteniamo di avere raggiunto un livello di specializzazione di particolare eccellenza.

We devote ourselves entirely to this, following the design of every single system from the initial phase of conception and design of the printed circuit boards, to the transformation into prototypes that are tested extensively in our laboratories, before being approved and then mass-produced in our dedicated production. We take care of every aspect in-house, we produce the circuit boards, the components, the accessories, the fruit of our labour is a truly 100% Italian-made product, something we are particularly proud of.

The result is robust, reliable, user-friendly welding and cutting equipment, designed for demanding use in professional and industrial environments, ready to withstand the heaviest stresses. Qualities that are appreciated both in Italy and abroad: eps products are in fact found in 34 countries around the world and their technology is present in many of the most important brands in the welding sector.

EPS believes in professional product distribution. We firmly believe that the role of hardware stores and dealers is still fundamental in the sale of a technical and professional product such as ours. This is why we do not allow end users to purchase our machines directly from our website; those who want to buy one of our welding machines must turn to the hardware stores and specialist dealers who distribute our brand, who will know how to advise and direct the purchase in the best way.

As far as spare parts are concerned, unlike the finished product, we feel it is our duty to be close and supportive to anyone who needs help using our machines, at any time and in any part of the world. This is why it is possible for anyone to buy original spare parts and various components required to maintain and restore our welding machines directly from our website.

EPS products are distributed worldwide by

P.I. / C.F. 02881590992

Legal Headquarters: Via Ilva 4 16128 Genova (GE)

Operational Headquarters: Via delle Industrie, 228/A 17012 Albissola Marina (SV)
